OpenUtilities Substation Help

Dimension-Driven Design Dialog

Used to place derived cells or to modify the dimensions and constants of dimension-driven cells or derived cells — cells that are derived from Dimension-driven Cells. A derived cell's geometry is defined by values entered for each dimension or constant and the dimension-driven cell's underlying constraints.

Edit Sets the value of the dimension or constant that is selected in the list box.

If the cell cannot be derived from the supplied dimension and constant values, the cell is not placed, and you are prompted to enter new values.

Save Constraints (derived cell placement only) If on, the Active Cell will be placed with active constraints, so it can be modified after placement.
Note: When modifying a dimension-driven (or derived) cell, you can also specify the values by keying in RESET DIMENSION <parameter>[=]<value> [<parameter>[=]<value> …]. Parameter is the name of some constant in the model (or possibly the internal name of some dimension), and value is a numeric constant. Each assignment expression must be preceded by a space or punctuation. The syntax permits comments enclosed in brackets ("[]"). Upon entry of the key-in with a valid syntax, the dimension-driven cell is solved and modified.
Note: A cell in the DGN file that is based on a dimension-driven cell is a derived cell.